Sunday, July 12, 2009

Youth Week West

My experience @ Youth Week West, which was held at Mars Hill college, was amazing. God really showed me how things work out when you really on him. The speaker was Adrian Despres. He was AMAZING! His sermons were graphic, powerful, moving, convicting, and from God himself! One of my favorite sermons was the four chairs. The four chairs sermon tells you where you are spiritually. It's really easy to lie to yourself, but with this sermon there is no mistaking which chair you're in. The first Chair represents a Christian who is right with God. They're growing. The second chair is a hypocrite and is compared to vomit by God. The third chair represents someone who thinks they're a Christian but really are not. You know if your in the third chair because you're not convicted. The holy spirit isn't in you. The fourth chair is someone who is not saved period. This sermon successfully brought four of our youth to Christ. They all believed they were in the third chair. The drama team was amazing! Their skits were so real! The band was really good too. I definitely was at the throne of God many times throughout the week. The week was based on purity and how to love God and people. Many things were revealed to me about LOVE. The week went by fast. Our youth were unified and closer to each other. We all supported each other. To my surprise the cliques disappeared completely. We even started Cow Towing. It's a way to pray. You lay completely flat surrendering all to God. We also had the chance to pick produce in FIELDS OF HOPE. It was really cool to know that we were picking food that would feed hundreds of starving people. My best friend Lacey face planted in the field lol. Good times!

On Thursday we went to the "Looking Glass Waterfall". We even climbed up behind the falls. So the week was awesome, but it doesn't end there. On the way home we experienced white water rafting. It was the most thrilling thing I have ever taken part in. You find strength you never knew you had. We went through level 2 and 3 rapids. 6 is the highest. For about two hours we maneuvered around rocks and currents. No one got hurt, but Lacey did fall out of the raft on a level 3 rapid. It scared me to death! I thought she was going to die, but our guide quickly grabbed her and literally yanked her into the raft within ten seconds! She was okay, but a little embarrassed. We got to stop in a calm current and jump off of a very high rock. It was really thrilling! Thank you guys for all of your prayers. God and I have definitely drawn closer to each other. I'm so glad I went on this trip!

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