He said. She said. They said. Gossip. Gossip hurts. Today I got my share of gossip. Gossip spreads like wild fire, and is today's language. Everything on the news is gossip. Pretty much all teenage conversations are gossip. It's impossible to avoid. I have to try really hard not to judge someone by what someone else says. I try only to believe what I see with my own eyes. Gossip can ruin a friendship faster than a cheetah on cocaine! Well thankfully I took care of the problem. The best way to avoid gossip is not to spread it or listen to it. What's weird is how much faster gossip spreads than any other news. You never see anything good about celebs. It's always who's pregnant and who's broken up. Same thing on the news. There's hardly any good news! It's always about the economy, murders, conspiracy, etc. The good news is that there is good news. And that's what I am called to spread as a born again christian. THE GOOD NEWS
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