Sunday, August 23, 2009


Quarantine. I loved this movie. It's about a fire department and a reporter that get trapped in an apartment building. A person that had been in the attic developed a virus that spread by getting into your bloodstream. Basically ZOMBIES!The movie was film left behind by the reporter and film crew. In the end everyone dies! I was so freaked out. Especially when the zombie girl took a bite out of her mom! It was so creepy! ugh! Chills. Anyway, it was a really good movie that I recommend watching, if you like getting scared.

The unborn. I've heard allot about this movie and was excited about watching it. Going to my grandmas was the perfect opportunity to watch it. Every time I go to my grandmas I watched movies, tons and tons of movies. The Unborn was a really creepy movie. It was about a demon that was haunting this girl. The demon was in between worlds and could only come to earth in the body of another. The demon possessed people around the girl in an attempt to isolate her. in the end she defeated the demon by reciting God's word. On the bad side she lost all her friends to the demon. All in all it was a pretty good movie.

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