Well today at church two of my friends got baptised. They were saved at Youth Week west, which I previously talked about. It's been hard for them, coming home to all their previous friends. It's really hard to stay "changed" when your back in your comfort zone. I just pray they will stick to their decision. Walking the walk is harder than talking the talk. Sorry, I couldn't get a really good pic. I had to pull my phone out in church to take a pic. I felt really awkward. Lol. Phones and church do not mix. How can you be touched by God if your in another conversation? Phones bring the outside world in the church. It should be the exact opposite. The church should take things to the world. When I'm in church I try to forget the outside world, and give God the time he deserves. Isn't that the point of worship? It's about God and not you. That is our purpose on earth, to worship God. That's really hard for me. My selfish side wants it to be about what I get out of it, but it's not. IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS CHRIST! We are blessed so we can bless others. That's our job.
Anyway, Lacey is on the left, and Crystal on the right. random fact: Our baptismal pool is heated. I thought that was cool. A hot tub in the church. lol. That's just food for thought.
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