Today in history we studied the Spartans and the Battle of Thermopylae. If you have ever seen the movie 300 you're ahead of the game. If not don't sweat it. Basically the Spartans were at war with the Persians. Even though they were greatly outnumbered, the Spartans fought bravely and fought to the death. Some happy ending right? Even though they were killed, they provided the other city-states time to prepare their forces. The Spartans sacrifice helped Greek city-states defeat the Persians. Well enough of the history lesson. Something I thought about was how our life is like a Spartan war. Sometimes we feel outnumbered or trapped. Life's hard. Sometimes we feel surrounded like the Spartans were. There are so many traps we face in life. But on the bright side, all we have to do is call out to God to help us. He'll defeat any foe, problem, sin, or complication in your life. With God on your side, I believe you have the upper hand. I mean he's only the creator of the world and of you! Trust him and your problems of this world will grow strangely dim.
This is my favorite post of yours so far! That's the kind of stuff I like to read. Keep it up.