So I have finally got to posting again. I revamped my blog, thanks to my mom. I'm good with computers, but was totally lost when it came to blogger. So I'm gonna try and post regularly from now on. This will be all over the place, but you have missed a lot.
I have been so busy with my photography for one. I am so much better than I used to be. I thank God for giving me the passion and ability to do so. I'll be sure to post my photos occasionally.
I just got back from Global Youth Ministries Camp in Laguna Beach. It was so amazing! I really got so much closer to God. He convicted me of tons of things I needed to change. He showed me how to be a leader. Our youth group had an amazing experience, particularly the worship. A lot of barriers were broken down and we just let go and praised God for who he is. The fire kinda died down from last years camp, but it up and high now. We plan to keep it that way too! We have so much planned to do in our community and our school to give the people who are searching for something the thing they really need. Jesus Christ. No doubt about it, we all have a hole that we can't fill, a longing that really can hurt sometimes, and makes us who we are. That void can only be filled by Jesus Christ! So you'll be hearing a lot about that process!
I have also decided to start photo shoots this summer! I couldn't get a job, no tears there, so I need money if I plan to be a teenager and stuff. Hahaha. I drive now, that's new! I really grown up so much and I can't wait to fill you all in on the amazing roller coaster of an experience it has been( and still continues)
So until then, Later :) God Bless!
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