heres a verse I have been memorizing.( trying to start scripture memory, good habits)
No man should say God is tempting me, because God cannot be tempted by evil nor does he temp anyone. But each is corrupted by his on evil desires, he is dragged away and enticed. Then after desire has concieved it gives birth to sin and sin, when full grown, gives birth to death
James 1:13-15
So anyway today God spoke to me and said that he placed weaknesses in each of our lives so we could over come them, with his help, and give him the glory. That's what this verse kinda means to me.
Anyway so that really spoke to me today, just thought I would share that.
I booked another photoshoot with a friend of mine this friday. Hope it goes well:D
new photo, called I was born into a world of imaginary friends
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