Tuesday, June 29, 2010

how the story unfolds

Ever had to do something you were not so fond of? Today I was not so excited to go to a youth field day that was scheduled. Sports typically aren't my thing, besides soccer. So I went with the intentions to sit and chill. The youth at the host church were so great! We hit it off right away. The first game we did was ultimate Frisbee. I've heard of it, but didn't think it was for me. Ha, was I wrong! I had a blast, and my team won both times we played to 15. The idea of the game is to advance the Frisbee down the field to your goal, except once you get the Frisbee you have to stop and throw it at the spot. What I would give for instant replay. After that we went inside to the wonderful air conditioning and ate watermelon. After that we played pool and Dance Dance Revolution. Anyway I had a great time and were planning to have the same youth over at our church really soon.

I'm so excited about next Thursday! Eclipse comes out tomorrow at midnight. I went and saw new moon at midnight, but my parents didn't like how late it was. So I have my tickets for Thursday at 7:15. It is going to be so epic. I was one of those people who read twilight before it got popular. I hate how when something gets this popular some people blow it off. It really is a great book series that I recommend to anyone. From the previews that I have seen it is going to be amazing. I know Victoria's actor, Rachelle Lefevre, was replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard. So I'm excited to see how she does. Eclipse is my second favorite book in the series. I personally can't wait to see when Bella dumps Jacob. I am more on the vampire side, so yea Team Edward!

I'm actually about to go do a photo shoot that is themed about eclipse. I think I'm going to paint a ribbon across my face. For my flickr of course! Link is to your right I believe. I will probably upload it tomorrow sometime, but most likely I'll post it here too.

Listen to: Airplanes by B.O.B

Monday, June 28, 2010

Seek and you will find, they say

Wow I'm actually posting regularlly now, miracles do happen. So homecoming was yesterday at our church. I believe it's the one hundred and twenty-second homecoming since our church has been standing. Yea it's ancient. God has really blessed our church in so many ways. The sermon was about us as christians being aliens in this world. It was really good and quite stiring.

So yesterday I kidnapped my bestfriend, not really, and we hung our for a while. I took a quick picture of her ^. She is just such a great model. We have done a few photo shoots together, and she never dissappoints me. A pretty odd thing about that is the fact that every time we take pictures we see snakes. I think our count now is 3 snakes. I absolutely loathe snakes. They for real freak me out, and somehow everytime we do a photoshoot we come extremely close to some, I mean extremely close! But besides that we always have a blast. Lacey is my bestfriend and she is so special and talented. She really has what they call a servant's heart. She gives and gives without even thinking of her self. She would go to the ends of the earth to please someone. She really is the kindest person I know and I hope that never changes.

So yeserday I did the most hillarious thing! My mom has this christian walk video for in home walking. I did it with her and it was so much fun. I have never done cardio or anything, but it was pretty cool. That probably sounds so lame, but it wasn't.

^ So you may be wondering why my brother is in the middle of this page. I took some pics of my mom in front of our church yesterday, and managed to snap a few of him as well. I really like how it turned out. He can be pretty photogenic at times.

Today at twelve we have the food distribution at our church. It's kinda like a food bank thing. About two hundred people, that are qualified, sign up for this. It really is fun helping people that need it. The prison team actually helps us and they do an amazing job. I really am looking forward to it today. I think this is the type of thing that stores us up treasure in heaven. This is the type of thing that will last forever. It really is an amazing ministry that God has blessed.

I am so ready for my mother to get home today! My camera died yeserday, apparently I take to many picture. Were getting rechargable ones this time so I won't have to worry about it for a while.

Listen to desperate: fireflight

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thoughtful Battlefields

heres a verse I have been memorizing.( trying to start scripture memory, good habits)

No man should say God is tempting me, because God cannot be tempted by evil nor does he temp anyone. But each is corrupted by his on evil desires, he is dragged away and enticed. Then after desire has concieved it gives birth to sin and sin, when full grown, gives birth to death

James 1:13-15

So anyway today God spoke to me and said that he placed weaknesses in each of our lives so we could over come them, with his help, and give him the glory. That's what this verse kinda means to me.

Anyway so that really spoke to me today, just thought I would share that.

I booked another photoshoot with a friend of mine this friday. Hope it goes well:D
new photo, called I was born into a world of imaginary friends

Friday, June 25, 2010


So today was quite.........interesting. I expected to come back and blog about a fun, hilarious, frikkin awesome tubing trip down the Etchetucknee river. But sadly I will not be blogging about that.

On the way up to our "epic adventure" our bus started having problems. We were almost in Florida at the time. So we pulled over to a convenient auto repair shop and was told it wouldn't take more than an hour, okay no big deal. So we went ahead and had lunch at dairy queen, that was joined onto a souvenir/ gas station. Turns out they couldn't fix it until Monday! So we walked around the gas station for about 3 hours! It was blazing hot outside so we were trapped. We finally just resulted into laying on the floor in the back of the store, and we probably spent over $10.00 on the claw machine for entertainment!

But through it all we had fun, and maybe God allowed us to break down, because we might have been in an accident if we kept going. You never know what the lord is up to?!

I did this photo to show just how hobo-like and desperate we all felt. ha a humbling experience for sure!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Long time no blog

So I have finally got to posting again. I revamped my blog, thanks to my mom. I'm good with computers, but was totally lost when it came to blogger. So I'm gonna try and post regularly from now on. This will be all over the place, but you have missed a lot.

I have been so busy with my photography for one. I am so much better than I used to be. I thank God for giving me the passion and ability to do so. I'll be sure to post my photos occasionally.

I just got back from Global Youth Ministries Camp in Laguna Beach. It was so amazing! I really got so much closer to God. He convicted me of tons of things I needed to change. He showed me how to be a leader. Our youth group had an amazing experience, particularly the worship. A lot of barriers were broken down and we just let go and praised God for who he is. The fire kinda died down from last years camp, but it up and high now. We plan to keep it that way too! We have so much planned to do in our community and our school to give the people who are searching for something the thing they really need. Jesus Christ. No doubt about it, we all have a hole that we can't fill, a longing that really can hurt sometimes, and makes us who we are. That void can only be filled by Jesus Christ! So you'll be hearing a lot about that process!

I have also decided to start photo shoots this summer! I couldn't get a job, no tears there, so I need money if I plan to be a teenager and stuff. Hahaha. I drive now, that's new! I really grown up so much and I can't wait to fill you all in on the amazing roller coaster of an experience it has been( and still continues)

So until then, Later :) God Bless!